Tabula Rasa

— 365 Days to Make Something Beautiful —

Tag: lazy

September 2 (Day 245)

Some days are just really hazy. Today was a total blur. I got up at 2:30pm and went to work almost immediately afterwords. I came right back to the dorm and crashed yet again. Sometimes it’s nice to spend Holidays this way I guess.

August 2013 045

August 25 (Day 237)

I slept in today. It was absolutely fantastic. I went and had brunch with Hannah and Jenni and spent literally the rest of the day at work. We were swamped, but it kept the day moving quickly.


July 6 (Day 188)

Another lazy day. Sean and I spent it lying around the house, playing videogames and going on some fishing adventures in the canoe. This is how summer should be. PS: This is the river. not my pond that we went fishing in… haha


July 5 (Day 187)

Today was a really lazy day. Everyone slept in late and then sat around doing basically nothing. We played some classic videogames and just kinda chilled out. It was nice and nostalgic to play “Worms” after so many years.


June 24 (Day 176)

Today was my day of rest. I sat around and did pretty much nothing all day. Lots of Netflix, internet, videogames, and food.
I didn’t get up until about 2 in the afternoon. It was nice, even though I felt completely unfulfilled. Here are some more green beans from my garden! Nature is still hard at work, even if I’m not…

ONE MORE THING! I found this awesome website today thanks to the Yogscast. It’s called . It plops you off in the middle of google street view and then asks you to figure out where you are and gives you a score depending on how close you were. So freakin’ cool and sort of addicting. Give it a try and compete with your friends!


June 15 (Day 167)

Today was a sleepy and relaxing day. Not much was accomplished today and that is the way most days should be. Here’s a picture of a rooster.


June 10 (Day 162)

I HAD TODAY OFF! WOOOO! I spent the whole day picking the weeds from my garden so that my lettuce and beans don’t die, and then I did some fishing, raking of algae out of the pond, and plenty of sitting around and doing nothing. I tried to completely clean up and organize my room as I have had hardly any time to care about it’s condition as of late, but that just didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow since I have tomorrow off as well. WOOO! NO WORK!


June 4 (Day 156)

Today Robin and I sat around all day, watched movies, played videogames, and watched Netflix. It was pretty awesome and a lot of fun even though she was still way too sore from falling yesterday to go out and do anything. Lazy days can be good days too though.


May 31 (Day 152)

No work today. I ended up going to the mall and Mckay used books with my family as well as our family friend Rick who has been staying with us since Wednesday, by the way. It was pretty fun even though I’m pretty much officially broke. Good thing I’m going to be working more hours at the new store.


May 26 (Day 147)

Another lazy summer day. I sat around, ate food, napped, played guitar, and updated my blog. Now I think I’m going to read for awhile until I fall asleep. Also, I didn’t take any pictures today, so here is a cool picture from Alaina’s bonfire party.
